Chamuel Puppies
Kennel Club registered
home of the Cavapoos

“Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one, is a life diminished" - Dean Koontz
Sydney is a KC Registered Miniature Poodle with an excellent pedigree, fully health tested, inoculated, sperm tested. He is PRA tested N/N clear, so all puppies sired by Sydney are PRA (progressive retinal atrophy) hereditary clear He has produced litters of outstanding quality in both health and looks. Sydney has an excellent 5 generation certificate and comes from German import lines. He has now retired and enjoying a slower pace of life.

Sydney is the most fun loving boy who just enjoys life. The sweetest of nature and loves everyone and is the perfect gentleman. Sydney is our stunning fox red KC Registered Miniature Poodle from German lines. He has regular health checks, is fully inoculated, sperm tested and has been DNA tested for PRA, which shows Sydney is clear and not a carrier, so all puppies will be PRA (progressive retinal atrophy) hereditary clear.